Physics-based Super-Accuracy Molecular Dynamics Simulation Integrated With Artificial Intelligence Algorithms To Solve Biophysics Problems in Living Cells
Welcome new graduate students!
2023.3. Jaemin Yoo joined the group
2024.3. Kyeongpil Jo joined the group
2024.9. Gunwoo Kim joined the group
Welcome Dr. Jang!
2023.4. Grant awarded: 과학기술정보통신부
앞으로 4년 동안 "Artificial intelligence for prediction of structure-based protein interaction reflecting physicochemical principles"에 참여하게 되었습니다.
연구에 참여할 대학원생 및 포스트닥은 연락주세요.
2023.3. Papers accepted: Nature Communications
Three papers in collaboration with expeimentalists at Korea University and KRIBB.
"Single-molecule fingerprinting of protein-drug interaction using a funneled biological nanopore"
"Conformational changes in the human Cx43/GJA1 gap junction channel visualized using cryo-EM"
"Cryo-EM structures of human Cx36/GJD2 neuronal gap junction channel"
2022. Paper accepted: Soft Matter
"Aggregation or phase separation can be induced in highly charged proteins by small charged biomolecules"
2021.8. Paper accepted: Nucleic Acids Research
"DNA Sequence and Methylation Prescribe the Inside-Out Conformational Dynamics and Bending Energetics of DNA Minicircles"
2021.03. Grant awarded: 과학기술정보통신부
앞으로 4년 동안 "인공지능(AI) 혁신 허브 사업"에 참여하게 되었습니다.
AI를 이용한 단백질 구조 연구를 수행합니다.
2020.09. Grant awarded: 한국연구재단 NRF
한국연구재단 개인연구지원사업(중견연구)에 선정되어 5년 동안 연구비를 지원받습니다.
연구주제는 "초고정밀 분자 모델링을 이용한 DNA 결합 단백질의 확산기작 규명"입니다.
Paper accepted: Current Opinion in Structural Biology
“Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA-DNA and DNA-Protein Interactions”
Paper accepted: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
“Improved Parameterization of Protein−DNA Interactions for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of PCNA Diffusion on DNA”
Cool 1 µs/day folding simulations on desktop!
We're furnishing our lab with workstations powered by water-cooled RTX 2080 ti GPU cards. Water-cooled RTX 2080 ti (temperature below 50℃) is twice faster than air-cooled GTX 1080 ti (temperature over 80℃). See our benchmark page for details.
Earned huge supercomputer time from National Supercomputing Center!
7 Apr 2020: We received 274,000 node-hour Nurion supercomputer time from National Supercomputing Center.
Open positions in SKKU biophysics lab
As of Mar 2020, Jejoong started a new position as an assistant professor at SKKU physics. Please contact Jejoong at for open positions for postdocs & graduate/undergraduate research assistants.
15 Aug 2018: Our 20-node cluster is finally functional. Each node has 48-core AMD Epyc CPU and 2 Nvidia 1080Ti GPU cards.
We have open positions for postdocs & undergraduate research assistants. Please contact Jejoong at
15 Jul 2018: Our paper on “Sequence-dependent DNA condensation as a driving force of DNA phase separation” was published in Nucleic Acids Research.
15 Apr 2018: Dr. Stefan Ivanov joined our team!
28 Feb 2018: We published a perspective in PCCP summarizing our (and others) efforts to improve the force fields.
Dec 2017: Sujae Jung joined our team as an undergraduate research assistant during winter!
Nov 2017: Sunjoo You joined our team as an undergraduate research assistant!
1 Aug 2017: Jejoong Yoo started working in the Center for Self-assembly & Complexity (CSC) at Institute for Basic Science (IBS).