Biomodeling: Analysis and Visualization
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Download trjconv and vmd folders
A case of membrane channel protein
In trjconv/conf.pdb, you can find a system with a tetrameric membrane channel embedded in a lipid bilayer.
gmx mdrun will generate trajectory files, such as traj_comp.part0001.xtc.
An example is uploaded as traj_comp.part0001.xtc
Loading traj_comp.part0001.xtc to VMD will show a messy conformation.
Post-processing the XTC files is useful for analysis and visualization.
Initial conformation in conf.pdb
A shell script for post-processing XTC outputs.
for i in traj_comp.part????.xtc # initial XTC files with 20 ps time step.
o=$(echo $i | sed "s/.xtc/.1ns.xtc/")
if [ $i -nt $o ]
echo "Protein 0" | gmx trjconv -s topol.tpr -f $i -o $o -pbc mol -ur compact -center -skip 50
rm -f all*xtc
echo 0 | gmx trjcat -f traj_comp.part????.1ns.xtc -o all.1ns.xtc #-cat
rm -f *tmp* *#*
How to handle protein or DNA complexes.
gmx trjconv can make a molecular structure whole based on chemical bonds.
Thus, gmx trjconv can make each molecule whole individually, not as a complex.
For multimeric complexes such as dsDNA and channel proteins, having non-physical bonds can be useful.
gmx pdb2gmx .... -merge all
This will generate a single moleculetype definition including all.
This Perl script will generate bonds.
Paper quality graphics and movies using VMD
In vmd folder, you can find VMD.pdf and sample files.