Biomodeling: Folding of TrpCage
TrpCage protein
TrpCage is a man-made mini protein (20 residues) that is good for practicing protein folding.
Experimental folding time is shorter than 1 µs.
Download the structure file (PDB: 1L2Y):
See the structure using VMD.
1L2Y contains a NMR ensemble of 38 structures.
You can choose any structure as a starting conformation of your MD simulation.
Processing PDB for Gromacs using gmx pdb2gmx
We need to process the PDB file downloaded from RCSB such that
The atom list matches that in RTP file in the force field ($GMXLIB).
Recover missing atoms (usually hydrogen atoms).
Modifications (e.g., -S-S- disulfide bonds, protonation state, etc.)
In Gromacs, we use gmx pdb2gmx program
gmx pdb2gmx -f 1L2Y.pdb -o conf.pdb -ignh
Select the force field of your choice
Select water model (e.g., TIP3P)
conf.pdb: a processed structure file. a topology file.
posre.itp: position restraints for protein atoms. This is included in
Gromacs flow chart taken from the official documentation. topology file
topol. top file contains information on the force field and the simulation system.
To see the installed force fields, see $GMXDATA/top directory
ls $GMXDATA/top
If you chose amber99sb.ff.
amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp contains files with all force field parameters.
See the files that forcefield.itp includes.
amber99sb.ff/tip3p.itp contains "moleculetype" definition for the TIP3P water model.
A reusable part can be saved in a separate file, which can included in
Gromacs simply use the C-preprocessor.
C-preprocessing will simply paste included files in a single long file.
By using #include, you can make easy to read.
In generated by gmx pdb2gmx, you can find a very long moleculetype definition of TrpCage. will work fine in this form.
But, you can also save the moleculetype in a separate file, e.g., trpcage.itp, and
#include "trpcage.itp"
By doing this, you can reuse the moleculetype for other simulations.
Determine the periodic boundary condition
In most MD simulations, we use PBC.
Gromacs supports any type of PBC defined by six crystal parameters: a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma
See the first a few lines of conf.pdb:
CRYST1 1.000 1.000 1.000 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 1 1
ATOM 1 N ASN A 1 -8.901 4.127 -0.555 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 2 H1 ASN A 1 -8.345 3.925 0.252 1.00 0.00
ATOM 3 H2 ASN A 1 -8.685 5.045 -0.887 1.00 0.00
CRYST1 defines the lattice parameters.
a=b=c=1 Å
alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees.
These parameters define a cubic box of 1 Å edge length.
For a near-spherical object such as TrpCage, we can try two lattice types:
Cubic: a=b=c and alpha = beta = gamma = 90
Truncated dodecahedron: a = b = c and alpha = beta = 60, gamma = 90
You can edit the PDB file using an editor.
For convenience, Gromacs provides a PDB editor program, gmx editconf
gmx editconf -f conf.pdb -o conf.pdb -bt dodecahedron -d 1 -c
It takes conf.pdb as an input and write conf.pdb as an output.
-bt: box type.
-d: distance between the protein and the box. Thus, -d option will determine the a, b, c paramters.
-c: put the protein at the center of the box by translation.
Draw the periodic images in VMD to check if the lattice definition makes sense.
The box must be large enough such that images don't sense one another.
The box must be as small as possible for the simulation speed.
Periodic images of TrpCage under truncated dodecaheron-type PBC
Once the box is defined, we need to fill the space with water.
gmx solvate -cp conf.pdb -cs -p -o conf.pdb
-cp: input PDB file
-cs: fill the box with water. By defaults, TIP3P.
-p: update file to specify the change.
Last lines of will look like this:
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
Protein_chain_A 1
SOL 2157
See the output file in VMD.
Does the water box perfectly fill the space?
mdp: MD Option file
MDP file contains MD simulation Options.
See for details.
Copy a sample MDP file in 1_water_box folder to PWD (present working directory)
cp files/*.mdp .
Open grompp.mdp using a text editor
See each section of the file.
Add ions to the system and Minimize
Prepare a topol.tpr file for adding ions.
TPR file is a binary format file including all information for your MD simulation. This is convenient because you can copy only one TPR file when you want to perform your simulation on another machine.
Gromacs contains a program for adding ions, gmx genion.
Inconveniently, gmx genion take only TPR file as an input.
Generate a TPR file for gmx genion
gmx grompp -f mini.mdp -c conf.pdb
Now, gmx genion
gmx genion -s topol.tpr -neutral -conc 0.15 -o conf.pdb -p
-neutral: make the system charge neutral. It will just add minimum ions for neutralization.
-conc: add excess ions to get a desired ion concentration. By default, NaCl.
-o: the output PDB file.
-p: the output topology file.
Now, we're ready to perform MD simulation.
Minimize the potential energy of the system.
gmx grompp -f mini.mdp -c conf.pdb
gmx mdrun -nt 4 -gpu_id 0 -c mini.pdb
-c: The minimized system will be written t0 mini.pdb
see md.log and ener.edr files to see change in energy.
gmx energy -f ener.edr
MD simulation
Open grompp.mdp and change the settings:
nsteps = 2500 ; Do MD for 2500 steps
nstxout-compressed = 1 ; write trajectory every step.
Generate topol.tpr
gmx grompp -c mini.pdb -f grompp.mdp
-c: Now, we are using the minimized structure.
Perform MD.
gmx mdrun -nt 4 -gpu_id 0
it will generate some output files:
md.log : text log file
ener.edr : binary energy file
traj_comp.xtc : trajectory file
state.cpt : check point file for continuation
See traj_comp.xtc using VMD
Load mini.pdb
Then, add traj_comp.xtc to mini.pdb.
traj_comp.xtc will look weird because water molecules at the boundary are broken.
This happens because gmx mdrun wants to have all atoms in a unit cell.
We can fix this by using gmx trjconv
Fix mini.pdb.
gmx trjconv -f mini.pdb -pbc mol -ur compact -o mini.pdb
Fix traj_comp.xtc
gmx trjconv -f traj_comp.xtc -pbc mol -ur compact -o traj_comp_fixed.xtc
Load mini.pdb and traj_comp_fixed.xtc VMD, and see the difference.
MD for 10 ns
Change grompp.mdp:
nsteps = 5000000 ; 10 ns
nstxout-compressed = 10000 ; write trajectory every 20 ps
gmx grompp -c mini.pdb -f grompp.mdp
gmx mdrun -nt 4 -gpu_id 0 -cpi -noappend
check box size and temperature
gmx traj -ob -f traj_comp.part0002.xtc
see box.xvg
gmx energy -f ener.part0002.edr
see energy.xvg
In trpcage folder, you can find 50-µs long trajectories for several different force field.
all.1ns.xtc: trajectory file with a time step of 1 ns.
Visually inspect the trajectory files.
Try to make an attractive movie.
Quantify the folding-unfolding behaviors using reasonable order parameters (RMSD, Q, etc.)
What is the free energy difference (∆G) between the folded and unfolded states?
How does ∆G depend on the choice of force field?
Characterize the structural properties such as:
Secondary structures (DSSP or STRIDE programs)
Radial distribution functions.
Ramachandran plots
Hydrogen bonding patterns.
Radius of gyration.
Analysis Methods
You can perform the analysis by using several different methods:
Gromacs provides many analysis programs that run in a shell.
gmx traj
gmx gyrate
gmx rdf
Tcl script
a python library
Q, RMSD, and Rg
Fraction of native contacts:
Radius of gyration
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load trajectory
traj = md.load('all.1ns.xtc', top='native.pdb')
native = md.load_pdb('native.pdb')
# Calculate Q, the fraction of native contacts
q = best_hummer_q(traj, native)
plt.xlabel('Frame', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Q(X)', fontsize=14)
# Radius of gyration
rg = md.compute_rg(traj)
plt.xlabel('Frame', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Rg', fontsize=14)
Try to draw 1D free energy landscape using Q or Rg as a reaction coordinate.
First, calculate a 1D histogram, p(x), by binning Q or Rg.
Then, the free energy will be -kT log p(x)
2D Free Energy Landscape
Fraction of native contacts:
Radius of gyration
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
D = <2D histogram matrix of Q, Rg>
D = -0.5962*np.log(D) # conversion to free energy in kcal/mol
x = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
y = np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
plt.ylabel('Radius of gyration (nm)')
cmap = plt.get_cmap('terrain')
CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, D, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.8, levels=[-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0])
plt.colorbar(CS, boundaries=[-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0], label='Free energy (kcal/mol)')
plt.savefig('output.png', transparent=True, dpi=600)
Ramachandran Plot and DSSP
Phi & Psi angles determine the conformation of backbone.
Secondary structures have unique phi-psi angles => DSSP.
Ramachandran plot shows a unique pattern depending on the secondary structure.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Secondary structure by DSSP
dssp = md.compute_dssp(traj, simplified=True)
# Phi & Psi angles
phi = md.compute_phi(traj)
Phi and Psi angles in a protein backbone
Ramachandran plot